Buy Realistic High School Transcript Grade Sheets!
Our imitation High School Transcripts are the perfect addition to your novelty High School Diploma. If someone is looking for proof of your Secondary School Diploma, your passing grades or School information, we have your back! High School Transcripts show the scores you received for every class you passed in order to receive your Diploma, including classes in Writing, Reading, Math, History and Science and electives. You supply the GPA, and we’ll do the rest. If you don’t know your GPA, we can even make one up for you.
What’s Featured on a High School Transcript?
Along with being customized with your personal information, you will also find:
- Grade scores
- Class Dates
- School location
- Date of Graduation
- Official State Seals
- Printed on thermotech security paper with glow fibers
- Embossed Registrar Seal
- Designed from Real Transcripts using real courses