How long will it take me to get a graduate degree? - Realistic Diplomas


How long will it take me to get a graduate degree?

Most graduate programs require that you have earned your Bachelor's degree in order to enter into the program. There are several types of Graduate degrees: Master of Arts, Master of Science, a combined Bachelor's degree and Master's degree, professional diplomas and certificates, and a Doctorate degree, or PhD. There are also specialized degrees in social work, law, nursing, medicine, as well as other liberal arts, with specializations such as the language-based TESOL diplomas or English as a Second Language (ESL).

Your post-secondary degree, diploma, or certificate usually requires a high school diploma or GED:

  • Associates: one year full time, two years part time.
  • Some college, no degree: no time frame.
  • Bachelor's degree: usually four years, although a few finish in three, some part-time programs can take up to six years to complete.

Your graduate degrees are:

  • Masters: usually two years, can take four to six years.
  • Professional: time frame is dependent on the certificate or diploma.
  • Doctorate: takes about six years to complete on average.

There are no fast diplomas at the PhD level. A Graduate degree requires no liberal arts general education core; it dives right in to the crux of the degree. Graduate degrees also require a "B" average in order to graduate. Grades below a "C" typically are not credited toward the degree and must be retaken. If you must retake any courses, this may add to the time component to complete your degree, as well as the added expense of paying for a course twice.

Choosing a Graduate program that fits into your time frame requires research. A good place to start is U.S. News & World Report. The magazine puts out an annual guide ranking over 12,000 graduate schools in the United States. The editors analyzed business schools, schools of education and engineering, law, medicine, as well as the social sciences, fine arts, humanities, and schools housing specific liberal art disciplines. They also cover financial aid and housing should you require them.

Here at RealisticDiploma we look at every aspect of your degree and we examine many aspects to provide you with the most authentic looking diploma, just take a look at our samples. This will save you countless hours in finding that degree which fits your lifestyle, like those Masters and Doctorate diplomas you have been eyeing for years! 

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