Did it Really Happen?: False Memory Syndrome - Realistic Diplomas


Did it Really Happen?: False Memory Syndrome

False memory syndrome involves the recall of things that did not actually happen but that the person strongly believes did occur. The term was coined by Peter J. Freyd in the 1990s to explain false memories that arise from recovered memory therapy. Memories of abuse, trauma, and malpractice are often thought to be falsely generated through dubious therapeutic practices. Although not officially recognized by the scientific community, the idea of false memories has generated much media awareness and popular support from those falsely accused of abuse.

  • False Memory Syndrome Foundation - The website of the FMSF (False Memory Syndrome Foundation), this site features basic information on False Memory Syndrome. Included are sections on multiple personality, therapy topics, and frequently asked questions.

  • False Memory Syndrome - Creating Memories - Sponsored by PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries, this website offers a Christian psychological perspective to the topic of False Memory Syndrome.

  • The Complex Issues in Researching False Memory Syndrome - This site presents a paper written by Kathryn Gow of the School of Social Science, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. In it, she discusses problems and factors involved in researching false memory syndrome.

  • False Memory Syndrome - Recent Legal and Investigative Trends - This site presents information on Recovered Memory Therapy (RMT) and the legal problems False Memory Syndrome has uncovered. Topics include abuse and how memory works.

  • Memory, Abuse and Science: Questioning Claims about the False Memory Syndrome Epidemic - This site presents a paper written by Kenneth L. Pope. In it, he outlines the literature regarding False Memory Syndrome and discusses documented cases.

  • Mental Help: Procedures to Avoid - This site discusses types of therapy which can produce False Memory Syndrome. These include Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

  • The Price of Bad Memories - This article by Professor Elizabeth F. Loftus examines the perils of using a single case history to recreate memories. It focuses on a tale of sexual abuse and a supposedly recovered repressed memory.

  • False Memory Syndrome - This site presents the concept of False Memory Syndrome in layman's terms. Research on the syndrome and critiques of the syndrome are included.

  • The Recovered Memory Project - This site lists 101 corroborated cases of recovered memory. Also included are academic and clinical studies and a response to critics of recovered memory.

  • Parents Against Cruel Therapy - This website of the PACT (Parents Against Cruel Therapy) organization explains the problems related to psychotherapists and False Memory Syndrome. Included are warning signs to tell if your child is suffering from False Memory Syndrome.

  • Australian False Memory Association - This is the official website of the Australian False Memory Association. It includes information for those who have recovered memories, membership information, and links to other helpful resources.

  • British False Memory Society - The official website of the British False Memory Society, this site features news, articles, family information, press releases, and resources for those affected by False Memory Syndrome.

  • Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse - This website offers cautions, resources, and scholarly information about recovered memories. Explanations based on cognitive science, betrayal of children and memory loss, and case and research studies are presented.

  • Memory: How Do We Remember What We Know? - Sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), this website focuses on the process of memory and analysis, and the components of memory. Short-term, long-term, and working memory are explored.

  • The Perfect Memory - This site from NPR (National Public Radio) features an interview with Jill Price, a woman with a "perfect" memory. She can remember every detail of everything that's ever happened in her life.

  • Short-Term Memory - This website presents a working model of short-term memory and a virtual demonstration. The information is presented in lecture format.

  • Scientific Conquest of Forgetful Memory - This website focuses on the Super Memo method. It discusses systematic review to remember things for an indefinite period of time.

  • A New Focus for Memory Improvement - This website discusses using observations and thoughts to improve memory. It also talks about the structure of memory and practical applications of this process.

  • A Theory of Learning and Memory: Popular Account - This website presented by Edmund Furse of the University of Glamorgan explains models of learning and memory. Areas covered include religion and memory, artificial intelligence, and contextual memory.

  • Dissociation and the Fragmentary Nature of Traumatic Memories - This website features a paper by Harvard Department of Psychiatry researchers. In it, they discuss memory stability, amnesia and the return of traumatic memories, and describe a study that was performed on traumatic memories.

  • The Memory Exhibition - This site presented by Exploratorium features online exhibits, articles, and lectures about memory. Topics covered include the anatomy of memory, memory games, and early memories.

  • Human Memory - This website presented by Georgia Tech explains the three types of human memory processes. Sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory processes are discussed.

  • Imagination Inflation - This site presents a paper by University of Washington and Indiana University researchers showing how imagining events from one's past can lead to recall and memory of actual childhood events.

  • Memory Techniques and Mnemonics - This website explores various memory tools to help you remember necessary information. The concepts of imagination, association, and location are discussed.

  • Mood State and Recall Biases - The Role of Affect - This site presents a paper from Spain that shows an experiment on the inducement of mood states and systematic recall. It relates biased recall to affect.

  • Remembering Dangerously - Presented by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, this site offers information on therapy and its role in false memories. Suggestions on how therapists can try to recover memories without personal biases or influence on the patient are discussed.

  • Psychological Testing Used to Evaluate Alleged Sexual Offender - This site explores various psychological tests that can be used to evaluate alleged sexual offenders. It discusses how testing of the alleged offender can be helpful to uncover false memories.

  • Illusions of Gender: Stereotypes Evoke False Memories - This site presents a reprint of an article from the Journal of Social Psychology . In it, experiments are offered that show exposure to stereotyped gender roles affects false recognition of stereotypically consistent traits and roles.

  • Questions and Answers about Memory of Childhood Abuse - Presented by the American Psychological Association (APA), this website offers information on false and true memories of child abuse. Included is information on research, the controversy surrounding the issue, and how to choose a reputable therapist if you think you may have been a victim of child abuse.

  • Interactive False Memory Demonstration - Presented by Northwestern University, this website which requires Flash to work properly offers an interactive demonstration to show how false memories can be generated.

  • Children Less Prone to False Memories, Implications for Eyewitness Testimony - This site presents an article which examines studies of false memories in children. It shows that children experience the phenomenon of false memory less frequently than adults.

  • Scientists Give Flies False Memories - This website presents a study in which scientists were able to induce false memories in flies. It helps them understand how false memories are created in the human brain.

  • Models of Memory - Presented by Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, this site offers links to various models of human memory. Java explanations of simple memory, backward recall, and absolute identification are just a few of the models explored here.

  • Verbal Working Memory and Sentence Comprehension - This paper written by professors of Boston University and Massachusetts General Hospital presents how verbal working memory functions in the comprehension of sentences. Implications for those with impaired memories are discussed.

  • The Psychology of Memory - Presented by the BBC, this site offers an explanation into the workings of memory. It discusses why different things are remembered in different ways.

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