What are the Diploma Seal Options for a Novelty Diploma? - Realistic Diplomas


What are the Diploma Seal Options for a Novelty Diploma?

If you have a college degree you can potentially earn up to $1 million in your lifetime.

With so many benefits of having a college diploma, it makes sense that people are looking to get a fake diploma when they’ve lost their real one. That’s valuable and hard-earned paper!

Whether you’ve lost your original diploma or simply want a duplicate for another reason, you’ll want to pay special attention to the diploma seal. This is what “seals the deal” and ensures it looks official.

What are your options when it comes to the diploma seal on your novelty or fake diploma? Keep reading to find out.

The Key to a Realistic Diploma

If you’re considering getting a novelty diploma, then you might be wondering about just how realistic it’s going to look. This is, of course, a valid concern.

After all, if you’re going to use a fake diploma for a job interview or some other official use, then it’s likely that whoever is asking you for it will want to see it with the original certificate seal.

This is what makes the seal so important. It’s the key to a realistic-looking diploma.

So, when it comes time to order your fake diploma, ensuring that the seal is going to look realistic should be one of your first concerns.

Make sure the fake diploma maker knows exactly what kind of seal you need. Show them what your high school or university certificate seal looks like and ask if they can replicate it accurately.

Familiarize Yourself with the Diploma Seal

Not quite sure what you need? Take a look at a real diploma seal for the certificate you’re trying to replicate.

Most educational institutions use embossing or a gold seal. However, the seals can also be multi-colored while others might be unique and completely different.

Whether they use golf foil or gold foil embossing, it’s important to know the difference.

If it means contacting the school or a representative or even getting your hands on a real diploma, it’s best to know exactly what kind of seal you need to replicate.

The good news? While we can’t replicate exactly the high school or college seal, we can use a die set to come pretty close.

As long as you’re patient and don’t need to rush your delivery, our team of diploma makers can work hard to replicate the exact seal and color you need to make your diploma look as real as possible.

What Are the Diploma Seal Options?

We don’t want to provide you with a sub-par product. That means that we aren’t going to try and sell you a certificate with a seal on it that we don’t feel is professional or realistic.

For this reason, most of our emblems are not embossed and are printing flat in ink. We also offer generic gold or red embossed seals for generic fake diplomas.

These are a great option for joke diplomas or standard certificates that don’t need to seem as accurate or realistic.

You can even use these raised foil stickers on real certificates for students in a class or as a way to put a simple seal on a fake diploma that you’re only using as a duplicate.

Many people find this seal option to be sufficient for duplicate diplomas. If you’re storing your real diploma safely at home and want to include a seal on your duplicate diploma at work, then our emblems are perfect for that.

Can You Make Your Own Seal?

So, the short answer is technically yes. But, just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.

Many online blogs and how-to articles will try to show you how to create a seal in a Word document and then transfer that to a printing service in order to print your diploma seal.

While this might work, we don’t recommend it.

Professionally-printed diplomas require extreme attention to detail, and a qualified diploma maker will tell you that even more attention is necessary when it comes to the seal.

We recommend that you try to contact a diploma maker first before trying to make your own.

What’s Not Included with a Diploma Seal

A novelty diploma should be for just that, novelty value. We pride ourselves on taking security seriously. This is why we don’t include a few things with our fake diplomas and seals.

We don’t:

  • Reproduce real people’s signatures. Instead, you can choose from a host of fake names or leave the signature lines blank.
  • Print actual names of school administrators on any document.
  • Offer the exact same seal. School seals and emblems tend to have copyrights. This is why we don’t replicate them exactly but instead offer a slightly altered version of what you’re looking for.
  • Verify certificates. These diplomas are for duplicate or novelty purposes, which means that we aren’t verifying that you actually attended a school or university by providing you with the diploma and a seal.

If you’re still not quite sure if your needs fall into what a fake diploma maker offers, it’s best to send an email with any questions!

Explaining your needs and providing samples of what you’re looking for are both great ways to streamline the process and ensure that you’re paying for something you’ll love and use.

Get a Fake Diploma Today

Have you taken a look at the kind of diploma seal you need to make your fake diploma look realistic?

Are you ready to start the process to get a realistic diploma that can give you the credentials and confidence you need to scale the corporate ladder (or simply replace the original diploma that you lost)?

Contact us today to see how we can help you out.

Likewise, we also accept emails regarding how one of our fake certificates has changed your life for the better! Feel free to send those emails our way as well.

  • Text: +1-929-395-0990
  • Chat: See Tab on Right
  • Doc Printers, 9702 Gayton Rd, Suite 292, Richmond, VA 23238
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